Late Sri Shirali Subba Rao
Founder Chairman
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TEACHERS’ CO – OPERATIVE BANK, UDUPI, Which has a glowing history of six decades, began quite modestly and un-ostentatiously in 1915 as UDUPI TALUK TEACHERS’ CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. The founders fondly hoped that it would not only serve to promote the material interests of teachers but also help them to shed all differences whether of cadre or of locality or of institution and become a well-knit brotherhood. Through sixty long years it strove so well to fulfill the hope of the founders and rendered such good service not only to the teachers in Udupi Taluk but also to the general public in and around Udupi that it has been given to it in the year of its Platinum Jubilee to evolve from a co-operative society into a co-operative bank. What better form of celebrating the Platinum Jubilee can there be for such a society than that of getting itself formally inaugurated as the first-ever teachers’ bank in the country?